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08-24-10 Special Meeting
The Economic Development Commission held a special meeting on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at the Multipurpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook
Present: Joseph Humeston, Margaret Oliger, Donald Sharpe, Ted Kreinik, Wes Thompson and Robert Morey

Absent: Gino Scarangella

Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of  Economic and Community Development, Robert Rau, Mike Strunha, Advantage Commercial Realty, 2 members of the press

Mr. Thompson, temporary chair, called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.

Public Participation: Mike Strunha, Advantage Commercial Realty distributed an outline (attachment A to original minutes) regarding the potential use of Cochran Hall on the Fairfield Hills campus.  He would like the support of the Commission for Cochran Hall to be used for apartments.  Mr. Humeston will attend the next meeting of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Committee, research the EDC’s past view of housing as economic development and report back to the Commission.  The Commission will have further discussion of this proposal before reaching a decision.

Election of Officers: Mr. Sharpe moved to nominate Ted Kreinik as chairman of EDC.  Motion seconded. Unanimously carried.  At this point Mr. Kreinik took over as chair of the meeting.  Mr. Thompson moved to officially thank Mr. Rau for his many years of service to the Commission.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.  

Appointment: Mr. Sharpe moved to appoint Mr. Rau as a consultant to the EDC.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Acceptance of Minutes: Mr. Thompson moved to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2010 meeting.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.  Mr. Humeston moved to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2010 meeting as amended . Motion seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


Director of Economic and Community Development (attachment B to original minutes)  Mr. Humeston questioned as to why AFS has not received their building permit yet.  Ms. Stocker replied that she does not know of any official reason.  Mr. Rau in his capacity as consultant will continue to meet with them.
Subcommittee Reports

Maximization of Sites for Economic Development – Mr. Thompson reported that the Farmer’s Market is a success.  They would like better signage to help with the traffic flow.  Mr. Kala’s application for his building in Sandy Hook has passed the P&Z Commission.  Mr. Thompson recommends that the Commission consider using the Market Plan for the Tech Park for the whole town.  The committee would like a list of all commercial properties that are for sale in town so that the owners of the properties may be invited to a meeting when the market assessment is presented.  Ms. Stocker will provide the list.  If possible, the committee would like the AMS consultant to be at this meeting also.  Ms. Stocker will check with the consultant.

Business Advocacy/Retention – Mr. Sharpe distributed information that the committee has compiled.  He asked that the commissioners review the information on their own.  The survey has been condensed from 8 pages to 4 pages.  At the end of the survey process Mr. Brier of WriteDesign will interview between 10 to 20 people in person to assess areas where there are weaknesses.  The committee would like each commissioner to do one in person survey also.  Ms. Oliger reported that there is a publicity plan.  She would like someone to ride in the Labor Day Parade if possible with a sign promoting the survey.  Ms. Stocker suggested the Commission might want to take out an ad in the Labor Day Parade booklet.  Ms. Oliger agreed this would be a good idea.  She would also like to have postcards printed to hand out.  Mr. Sharpe is going to ask the Board of Selectmen to finance a mailing.  Mr. Thompson suggested a posting on the town website.  Ms. Stocker will ask the website manager to do this.  She also informed the Commission that an EBlast on the Chamber of Commerce website will take place in September for $100.00.

Evaluate/Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids – This committee is inactive due to the resignation of Ms. LaMarche.  Mr. Kreinik will ask Mr. Scarangella to fill this vacancy.

Development of Tech Park – Mr. Rau reported that the committee is waiting for a decision from the Inland Wetlands Commission.  Mr. Kreinik asked if there was any further information on a possible land swap.  Mr. Rau stated that the First Selectman suggested contacting Hartford.  Mr. Rau is going to follow up on this.

Strategic Plan – Mr. Rau and Mr. Thompson are continuing to work on this.

Old Business

Municipal Development Plan – Mr. Rau reported that money has been encumbered.  The Commission is waiting for the decision of the Inland Wetlands Commission.

Plan of Conservation and Development – Ms. Stocker reported that the First Selectman asked her to approach the Commission for their input.  She passed out a form for the commissioners to complete.  The commissioners were asked to respond to Ms. Stocker.  She will compile the forms and summarize them.

Work Program for FY 2010-2011 – Mr. Rau submitted this document last month to the Commission.

Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2011-2012 through 2015-2016 – Ms. Stocker informed the Commission that deliberations begin September 7th.

Sandy Hook Streetscape Program – Mike Burton is checking for Ms. Stocker as to the date of the next meeting of the Sandy Hook group.  LED lighting is being considered.  It is more expensive but much more energy efficient.  Mr. Kala may also be interested in this type of lighting for his project.  Ms. Stocker will check with CL&P as to the tax credits or incentives available.

New Business

Master Plan for Fairfield Hills Redevelopment – Mr. Humeston will attend their next meeting to see how housing is being considered.  The clerk will research past minutes for the EDC stance on housing as economic development.  The Commission reviewed the earlier discussion with Mike Strunha.  

Transfer of Development Rights – Proposed Ordinance -  Mr. Thompson reported this ordinance would deal with farmer’s land of 5 acres or under.  It would allow the town to buy development rights with no cash involved.  Enabling this ordinance would allow for preservation of the land without spending money but the value of the land would decrease.  This would also mean lower taxes.  Appraisals would be done before and after.  Ms. Oliger does not feel this is an EDC issue but one for the Conservation Commission.  She feels that the 5 - 25 years gives to much “wiggle room” as well as other areas including passing the rights on for inheritance purposes.  Mr. Sharpe objects to this ordinance.  He thinks EDC should oppose it.  There is no estimate as to the loss of taxes.  EDC would not be involved in the comment process for applicants.  People could come back and apply again after being rejected.  The ordinance is too fuzzy.  It could have an impact on economic development in a negative sense.  Mr. Rau stated the Legislative Council would control the process without any input by Boards or Commissions.  Mr. Thompson feels that the reduced tax dollars will cost the town money.  This proposal has been presented to the Ordinance Committee of the Legislative Council and is under consideration.  Mr. Thompson moved that Mary Gaudet Wilson be added to next month’s agenda.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

There being no further business, Mr. Morey moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 pm.  Motioned seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mary Kelley, Clerk